9. December 2019: SASL School of Hepatology

9. December 2019: SASL School of Hepatology

The Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) invites to its 4th quarterly educational activity 2019

Dear colleagues,

Please find the program and the login for the next SASL School of Hepatology for this Monday below. The login contains the download window for the handouts, CME credits and participants list (download on day of presentation).

Program SASL School 26 (Monday December 9th 17.30-19.00):

Portal Hypertension - Update 2019 (Prof. Dr. Jaime Bosch, Bern)

Drug - induced Liver Disease (PD Dr. David Semela, St. Gallen)

1. Teleconference link !

2. The link is already active and can be tested: Please tick "Enter as a guest", enter the name of your hospital/unit and hit "Enter Room" - Done!

3. Make sure that you have your loudspeakers activated. Webcam and microphone are optional and not necessary for the conference. Everything else will be explained live at the beginning of the school.

4. As an alternative option, the conference can also be followed live on smartphones (iPhone & Android) and iPads using the free App "Adobe Connect Mobile" – after installation just enter the link mentioned above. Detailed information on this option is in the attachment.

5. Handouts, CME Credits and participants list can be found in the webinar window (left bottom corner) on the day of the presentation.

Looking forward to your participation!

Best regards,

David Semela


PD Dr. Dr. David Semela
Stv. Chefarzt
Fachbereichsleiter Hepatologie
Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
Kantonsspital St. Gallen

Rorschacherstr. 95
CH-9007 St. Gallen